Alat za izradu kotlića
Razvili smo jednostavan sustav za izradu kvalitetnih izlaza žlijeba različitih dimenzija za vaše potrebe.
Tool for stamping logo and cutting shape
Tool developed from Lima toolmaker department to make at one punch logo stamping hole punching and cutting of strip, using all best materials and heat treatment to last longer.
Seam presing device
Device for presing seam firmly connecting the 2 prefalzed parts in firm connection. Width of seam when finished is 5mm. Materials are heat threated and long lasting.
Device for bending prefalz
We developed easy system for fast making ends for seaming short pieces. With regulation for different thicknesses adjustable.
Gutter outlet pressing tool
We developed simple system for making good quality outlet different dimensions for your needs.
Tool for form pressing end cap
Tool developed Lima for end cap gutter made from best materials and heat treatment process for long life and perfect quality of the finished product.
Tool for cutting end cap blanks
Tool developed by Lima for end cap gutter made from best materials and heat treatment process for long life and perfect quality.
Hydraulic press 20t
Press is designed to hold all Lima die tools, for gutter outlet , gutter end cap and others.
Stroke of cilinder is 500mm.
With a force of 20 tons.
It has automatic mode and manual with plc and with end switches upper and down position.